Clouds is a jQuery plugin that displays clouds moving across a sky. It comes preconfigured with an image map of clouds but can be used with a custom image map of anything you please, limited only by your imagination. Why not try flying farm animals?
Clone from GitHub.
- Uses an image map rather than seperate image files for optimum performance
- Clean markup. No additional divs or img tags required. Just one div container
- Customizable image map via XML file
- Support inline content if preferred
- Customizable animation parameters including speed, density and bobbing
- Multiple instances per page or per container
- Cross Browser compatible
- Adjustable Frame-Per-Second for quality vs. performance adjustments
- Smart clipping prevents messy overflow as clouds transition past the container’s bounds.
- JSLint verified.
- Compatability
Testing has been completed with IE6.0+, Firefox 2+, Safari 4+ and Opera 10 using jQuery 1.3+.
Load jQuery and jQuery.Clouds into your page:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.clouds.js"></script>
Attach Clouds to a container:
The following options are available when executing the script:
xmlMap [Default: ‘clouds.xml’]
URL of the image map XML file, relative to the script. If none provided, inline content (ie. the container’s children) will be converted to clouds instead.
cloudCount [Default: 20]
The number of clouds displayed at random in the selected container.
speed [Default: 40]
The speed (pixels per second) at which the clouds move.
speedVariation [Default: 0.33]
The maximum random variation from ‘speed’ of each cloud, expressed as fraction of 1.
A speed variation of 0 will result in all clouds traveling at the same speed.
A speed variation of 0.5 will result in some clouds traveling 1.5x faster than the configured
A speed variation of 1 will result in some clouds traveling 2x faster than the configured speed
and some standing still. Not recommended.
bobHeight [Default 3]
The height in pixels that each cloud will bob. Set to 0
to disable bobbing
bobWidth [Default 20]
The width in pixels that each cloud will pass in one bob
fps [Default: 25]
The Frame-Per-Second of the animation. Higher settings produce smoother results but can affect browser performance.
clipLeft [Default: false]
Clouds are clipped at the left of their container.
clipRight [Default: false]
Clouds are clipped at the right of their container.
clipBottom [Default: false]
Clouds are clipped at the bottom of their container.
clipTop [Default: false]
Clouds are clipped at the top of their container.
Configuration settings can be set when executing the script on your container as follows:
xmlMap: 'clouds.xml',
cloudCount: 25,
speed: 20,
speedVariation: 0.33,
fps: 25,
clipBottom: false,
clipTop: true
Image Map
The Image map XML file should define the URL of the image to use and the coordinates of each sprite (cloud) on the image.
It must have a root element named clouds
with an attribute named src
pointing to the image file.
The root element should contain children named cloud
with the attributes width
, height
, left
and top
defining the coordinates of each sprite as integers.
This is the default image map file:
<clouds src="clouds.png">
<cloud left="0" top="0" width="176" height="68" />
<cloud left="176" top="0" width="194" height="69" />
<cloud left="0" top="68" width="142" height="67" />
<cloud left="142" top="69" width="201" height="67" />
<cloud left="0" top="135" width="106" height="50" />
<cloud left="106" top="137" width="93" height="46" />
<cloud left="199" top="136" width="115" height="65" />
<cloud left="0" top="185" width="77" height="34" />
<cloud left="77" top="184" width="122" height="43" />
<cloud left="199" top="201" width="47" height="22" />
<cloud left="251" top="201" width="58" height="29" />
Features in development
jClouds is no longer in development, however pull requests are welcome on GitHub.
Change Log
- 30/08/2015 v0.3.0 Re-released on GitHub
- 07/08/2011 v0.2.0 Significant performance improvements
- 04/07/2011 v0.1.0 Initial release.