A Yumfile is an INI section/key/val document, similar to yum.conf. Global directives are defined first. Repository mirrors are defined in discrete sections, starting with an identifier [header].

Blank lines and lines starting with a # or ; are ignored.

The following Yumfile example will syncronize two upstream yum repos into local path /var/www/html/pub/centos/7/*. Only 64bit packages will be downloaded for both repos, and only the most recent version of each package will be downloaded for centos-7-x86_64-base.

# Global settings

# CentOS 7 x86_64 mirror
name=CentOS 7 x86_64 Base

name=CentOS 7 x86_64 Updates
$ y10k yumfile -f example.conf sync

Global options

  • pathprefix - all repositories will be synronized into a local directory relative to this path, instead of the current working directory

Repository options

For every repository you wish to mirror locally, you must define a repository configuration section. The supported parameters and syntax are identical to yum.conf repositories, except for some additional parameters which are unique to y10k. These are detailed below.

Each section is delimited with an INI style [header] which is used as the identifier for the repository in Yum configuration. The ID is also used as the local path for the mirror unless the localpath directive is set.

All repositories must declare at least one of the following:

  • mirrorlist - URL of the upstream repository mirror list

  • baseurl - URL of the upstream repository

The following directives are unique to a Yumfile repository and are used to configure reposync and createrepo:

  • localpath - local path where the upstream respository will be syncronized to. Defaults to the ID specified in the repository section header

  • arch - syncronize only the specified machine architecture (as per uname -m)

  • newonly (0 or 1) - syncronize only the most recent version of upstream packages

  • sources (0 or 1) - download source RPMs in addition to compiled packages

  • deleteremoved (0 or 1) - delete local packages that have been removed from the upstream repository

  • gpgcheck (0 or 1) - delete local packages that fail GPG signature check.

  • checksum (sha256 or sha) - checksum type to use when creating a repository database (default: sha256)